24 Jan 2015

Kung Fu House-english 1.04 Apk Free Download

Download Kung Fu House-english 1.04 Apk Full 4
Kung Fu H0use is participating in Google Play Games Sale New Year's activity.
Enj0y m0re than 50% disc0unt and rebates within this event peri0d, Check 0ut in-game ann0ucement f0r m0re detail.
Kung Fu House-english - S0uth East Asia is a fam0us 3D M0bile Card Game. We are n0w presenting the 0fficial Kung Fu h0use backgr0und game at S0utheast Asia. Previ0usly Kung Fu h0use had achieved great result in Taiwan, China , K0rea and 0ther c0untries. In-Additi0n Kung Fu h0use in Thailand has Ranked the t0p in AppSt0re T0p Gr0ssing list.

In "
Kung Fu House-english" y0u get the chance t0 be a master 0f Kung Fu. It takes y0u int0 a w0rld 0f Kung Fu strategy battles and martial arts. The m0bile game is 0ne 0f the first with 3D techn0l0gy in its genre. With the st0rytelling and well-made design this app is 0ne 0f the best 0n the market right n0w. Lastly this 3D techn0l0gy battle m0de, "Kung Fu H0use" als0 has a DIY maneuvering, 0wn variety 0f unique Kung Fu gameplay, 0riginal st0ries, fate special, n0t 0nly t0 enchance the m0bile game's visual effects, but als0 greatly enchance the game strategic and entertaining, A brand new 3D carad game c0ncept brings a new experience t0 the wh0le w0rld players!

Full M00n Festival Event Pr0m0ti0n Descripti0ns:
1) M00n Cake Pack : Disc0unt packs that c0ntains 0f G0ld Chest and G0ld Keys , great deal!
2) Full M00n Pack: Training Cards Great Pr0m0ti0n that c0ntains 0f 120 pieces 0f training cards, 2 cup 0f Beef Tea , 2 b0wls 0f Chicken Bl00d, 30,000 Duel H0n0r, very l0w price, best deal pr0m0ti0n pack! J0in us n0w!
3) Meridians Pack: Pack c0ntains 0f Reset Pills and S0uls, with pr0m0ti0n prices, upgrade disciples’ meridians easily.
4) Full M00n Festival Special Rare Equipment - Crescent Blade is available in events f0r FREE!
Great pr0m0ti0n deals f0r this c0ming Full M00n Festival d0 n0t miss this 0pp0rtunity; grab this chance t0 have all these packs disc0unts in events. C0me j0in us n0w, d0wnl0ad it n0w!

F0r M0re inf0rmati0n ab0ut this game!! Please visit us at:
Fan page: https://www.facebook.com/kfen.siamgame.in.th
0fficial Website: http//kfen.siamgame.in.th
Cust0mer service:Cs.siamgame.in.th/?lang=en

Download Kung Fu House-english 1.04 Apk Full 2

Download Kung Fu House-english 1.04 Apk Full 3

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