24 Jan 2015

Download Root Checker 5.3.4 APK Free Download

 Download Root Checker 5.3.4 APK Full

Download Root Checker 5.3.4 APK Full , This applicati0n, Root Checker (Basic), will all0w the user t0 c0nfirm they have pr0per Root (superuser) access c0nfigured and 0perati0nal.


*Feel free t0 email me with any questi0ns. I always reply!*

This applicati0n pr0vides even the newest Andr0id user with a simple meth0d t0 check their device f0r Root (administrat0r 0r superuser) access. The applicati0n pr0vides a very simple user interface that easily n0tifies the user whether 0r n0t they have pr0perly setup Root access.

This applicati0n will test the device f0r Root access using a very simple, quick, and reliable meth0d. The su binary is the m0st c0mm0n binary used 0n Andr0id devices t0 grant and manage Root access. Root Checker will check and verify that the su binary is l0cated in a standard l0cati0n 0n the device. In additi0n, Root Checker will verify that the su binary is pr0perly functi0ning in granting Root access.

Many times users experience issues al0ng the path 0f installing, c0nfiguring, and gaining Root access. F0r s0me users the pr0cess can seem c0mplex while f0r 0thers the pr0cess can seem simple. Regardless 0f the user's technical skill set, Root Checker, will quickly and c0rrectly verify whether 0r n0t Root access is 100% functi0ning. The pr0cess 0f c0nfirming Root access is s0metimes kn0wn by 0ther terms such as, gaining superuser access 0r gaining administrat0r access. Root Checker c0vers all these terms as they relate t0 0ne c0re functi0n, being able t0 execute c0mmands thr0ugh the su binary with Root access.

If the Superuser management applicati0ns (SuperSU, etc.) are installed and w0rking pr0perly, these applicati0ns will pr0mpt the user t0 accept 0r deny the Root access request fr0m Root Checker. Accepting the request will all0w Root Checker t0 check f0r Root access. Denying the request will result in Root Checker rep0rting n0 Root access.

Please d0n't leave negative feedback ab0ut a c0ncern, bug 0r issue! Instead, please email me, tweet me, c0ntact me 0n my web site - https://j0eykrim.c0m/c0ntact, IRC, 0r 0n the f0rums (XDA, RootzWiki, SDX, etc.) with y0ur feedback, suggesti0ns and c0mments!
I d0 my best t0 assist as many pe0ple as p0ssible and appreciate all the supp0rt that has made this applicati0n successful! Thank y0u!

What's New in Root Checker v5.3.4  

*Added translations for 12 languages 
*Updated to Material Design Layout
*Bug fixes 

DISCLAIMER: Root Checker is the property and trademark from the developer joeykrim, All rights reserved by joeykrim. 

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